Wieboldt crest history:

from Christoph Wieboldt 13 Aug 2000

The Crest of the Family Wieboldt

[Click for full scale crest: 700+KB]

On silver shield a red heart, bore through crosswise by 2 blue arrows. On
the helmet three golden ears of corn as the helmet see. The background of
the crest is red/silver.

The family Wieboldt is of a very old line of the Hadlers, that was already
mentioned before reformation time. By the manuscript H.24 in the gouverment
archives of Hannover Hinrick and Erick Wieboldt had to book a loss of
together 100 Mark in the year 1524, because of plunderings which the
mercenaries of the archbishop Christopher of Bremen in the whole area
(country) of Hadeln made. This loss was a lot for those days, because the
price for a cow has been 4 Mark....

The old family crest of the Wieboldt's is still visible at the beams (or rafters?) of the church of Ihlienworth. As symbol it has a heart bored by arrows. The heart itself sybolises the normal life; the wounded heart stays for the shadow side of life - where strokes of fate and repulsiveness don't miss.
The forefathers surely wanted to point their descendants to the fact always to be on ones guard - not to lose in rigours. Good warned is double saved. Man is always exposed to the poisoned arrows of other people. But - the wise and astutely one can escape some nasty.
A. de Badrihaye - Heraldist, Otterndorf -N.E.